Acne scarring, how to treat

« ...Even if it is easy being tempted and get in the "long queue" at the drugstore. I wouldn't recommend it."Will the situation be worse or better?" is a question I wouldn't have. When it comes to over the counter medication or doctor's prescriptions the situation could easily become worse. If these medication solved the problem they wouldn't sell consistently. There must be a substance inside them which creates a need for you to ask for more. Others seem to do well at the beginning but then they mess it up with side effects....
...Pustules resemble papules because they are round, small lesions. However, pustules are inflamed and contain pus. At the base, they are red and have a whitish or yellowish center. In general, they don't contain a lot of bacteria, but they are irritated and inflamed because of interaction with sebum components....»
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«...- Stay Out of the Sun - The sun can exacerbate your condition, so it is important to stay out of the sun as much as possible. While many people think that the sun will help to hide the problem, it can actually lead to more skin damage....»
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tags: how can i prevent from getting acne when shaving, acne during pregnancy proactiv, can eggs give you acne